BABY BLUE (Mk1 #11)
This was my least favourite of our Mk1's. Not because I didn't love it as I'd seen it around for years, but because of the state it was in when I got it. This was the first Mk1 I ever remember seeing in the flesh and I loved it instantly.
I got this photo from the forums somewhere... At my first VW show many years ago now down at Glenelg I saw this car in the carpark and fell in love the second I lay eyes on it. At that stage it looked something like this, just brilliant.
A year or two later the owner Craig got in touch about needing some parts so I helped out and he came to my work, which was when I snapped this shot :)
And another, sitting behind Ranga not long before the twit that bought my orange one killed it :'(
Anyway I didn't see it again for some years until a blue shell popped up... Couldn't believe it was the same car. This is how it looked when I saw it again.
Yeah it looked pretty bad, but the shell was quite rusty and what the current owner took off it went to his own golf build so that was ok.
The owner George just needed it gone so he let us have it for free if we took it away.
On the trip home...
My plan was to fix it back up to it's former glory but underneath rust had well and truly taken hold :(
The shell was stuffed, the floor was a mess underneath the carpet and it was no longer structurally sound. So we stripped the poor thing, knowing that the parts would most likely help someone else someday.
Since then quite a few parts from this car have helped others, I guess it's the circle of old VW life.
The worst part, it never made it off the trailer. Once we picked it up and put it on the trailer, it went to a friends house on the trailer, we stripped it on the trailer, then towed it away...
Until it ended up here :'(
R.I.P. little buddy.
The end.