Victor Harbour Cruise 12/10/08
My first car cruise as a VW owner, this album is a collection of my photos and ones taken by the others on the cruise.
Our day started off with a meet at the Burnside Village car park in our little car Piglet. We had a small mix of Euro's ready for a scenic run through the hills and down to the beach at Victor Harbour.
After a catch up we got on the road...
A short time later we found a nice spot for a few photos.
Some sweet rolling shots...
And another quick stop for a bite to eat.
Dubbers sure are a friendly lot!
Another quick stop for some photos.
Once we all had another chat for a while we all went our separate ways. It was a good drive with a pretty nice collection of cars. Most of the group headed back for a speed run, but my girl and I chose to take our time and enjoy the scenery.
The end.